A Quick Guide to Creating React Native Mobile App with Django Framework

Most companies today rely heavily on software programmes to streamline and simplify their operations. Using React Native, with Django Framework you can quickly and easily create hybrid apps and cross-platform mobile applications.
Facebook’s “React Native” framework for building apps across many platforms was released to the public in September 2015. The performance and aesthetics of apps built with native languages and react native app were initially comparable. Seventy-five per cent of the code in React Native was found to be compatible with Android and iOS, and it was simple to build platform-specific features on top of react native developer. Since then, React Native has been the go-to framework for building native mobile apps.
Django Framework is a programming that makes it easier to build websites while letting you concentrate on the interesting parts. It provides high-level abstractions of typical web development patterns, shorthand for common programming activities and well-defined standards for approaching challenges.
The majority of consumers have transitioned from desktop to mobile as a result of technological advancements. To keep up with customers’ shifting preferences, businesses must optimise their digital properties for mobile access. You may access the app development companyReact Native and Django here and get an introduction to them.
Purpose of React Native
Open-source and based on JavaScript, React Native is a framework for creating mobile applications. Facebook developed React Native to serve as an alternative framework to React.js. Its original purpose was to make it easier for hire react native developers to develop apps for both Android and iOS. Still, it has been expanded to work with online and desktop software.
Because of its cross-platform interoperability, react native app development is significantly faster than developing native apps for each platform. Although many JavaScript frameworks are available, two of the most popular choices are React and React Native.
Tech giants like Tesla, Facebook, Instagram, Skype, Facebook Ads, and Facebook use React and React Native.
Purpose of Django Framework
Django is a robust Python web framework that is both free and open-source. Python is widely recognised as a top server-side language. Python’s English-like syntax, short lines of code, and adaptability make it a favourite among programmers. Django is a Python framework that both large corporations and smaller startups favour because of its scalability, dependability, and user-friendliness.
Django Framework is well-suited to the agile software development life cycle because it employs the MTV (model-template-view) architecture and the DRY (don’t repeat yourself) principle. Many popular websites and services use Django, including Disqus, YouTube, Instagram, and Spotify.
As a Python-based framework, Django makes it simple to include machine learning algorithms into an app’s backend. Django’s dynamic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) interface is another compelling argument for its use in developing database-driven websites of any size.
How do you combine Django framework and React Native?
While React Native focuses on the user interface, Django helps keep the servers running in the background. Both have benefits over competing frontend and backend systems. Both are universally applicable to Web, iOS, Android, and Hybrid development.
When it comes to developing native mobile apps, React Native is a top contender. React Native and Django may communicate with REST API to perform graph analysis and computations.
The many useful libraries provided by both Django and React Native make them an excellent pair. Frontend (React Native) interaction with the backend (i.e. data retrieval and storage) is necessary for proper application operation. To make a user interface that responds to their actions, you must construct an API (Application Programming Interface) in the background using a library like Django’s REST framework (DRF).
React Native / Django Implementation for Beginners
The following section shows a basic tutorial on how to start coding with these two frameworks.
Setting up a React Native project
Step 1: First you need to install node and watchman. To do so, run the following commands on the terminal, after installing Homebrew.
brew install node
brew install watchman
Step 2: Installing an iOS Simulator in Xcode
To install a simulator, open Xcode> Preferences… and select the Components tab. Select a simulator with the corresponding version of iOS that you wish to use.
sudo gem install cocoapods
Step 3: Creating the project folder
npx react-native initAwesomeProject
Once you run the above command in the terminal, it will generate a project with a folder structure for iOS and android.
Step 4: Start the Metro JavaScript bundler.
npx react-native start
Step 5: Start the Application in iOS simulator
To do so, run the command below.
npx react-native run-ios
Setting up Django
Install python and pip and then run the following commands to install the corresponding packages.
pip install django
pip install django rest framework
Step 1: Navigate to any folder that you want to use to create the Django project, open the command prompt, and enter the following command:
django-admin startproject Sample Project
Step 2: Navigate to the project folder and create a web app using the command below:
python manage.py start app MyApp
Step 3: Open the settings.py file and add the lines of code mentioned below, in the INSTALLED_APPS section:
Step 4: Open views.py inside the MyApp folder and add the lines of code mentioned below:
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import Http404
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.decorators import api_view
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework import status
from django.http import JsonResponse
from django.core import serializers
from django.conf import settings
import json
# Create your views here.
@api_view ([“POST”])
returnJsonResponse(“Ideal weight should be:”+weight+” kg”,safe=False)
The IdealWeight(heightdate) is the method that gets executed when an API call is made. It has a simple logic to calculate weight (=height*10). The line return JsonResponse(…) will send the response back.
Step 5: Open urls.py and add the lines of code mentioned below:
from django.conf.urls import url
from django.contrib import admin
from MyAppimportviews
urlpatterns = [
url(r’^admin/’, admin.site.urls),
Step 6: you can start the API using the commands below, in the command prompt:
python manage.py runserver
The Django project has a fundamental configuration, which is illustrated by the instructions that were just presented. REST APIs can add more functionality through additional routes, functions, and middleware.
The details of react native app development company should now be crystal plain to you. It has many benefits, such as shorter development times, lower costs, higher quality output, etc. The creation of mobile apps’ backends is crucial. While the front end is important, the back end gives the app life and functionality for users. If you hire app developers then Wama Technology has established itself as the industry standard for mobile app development. They develop cutting-edge apps for mobile devices that expedite corporate development and enhance existing processes.