Cost of Android App Development in 2023: A Complete Overview

Cost of Android App Development in 2023: A Complete Overview

android app

In today’s fast-paced digital world, mobile applications have become integral to our lives. With the rise in the number of Android users, businesses are increasingly focusing on developing Android apps to reach a wider audience. However, one crucial aspect that concerns both businesses and app developers is the cost of Android app development. Understanding the cost factors involved can help businesses plan their budget effectively and make informed decisions. This article will provide a complete overview of the cost of Android app development in 2023.

What is included in the cost of developing an Android Application?

When considering the cost of developing an Android application, it’s important to understand what you’re paying for. On average, the cost ranges from $4,000 to $65,000, depending on the complexity and features of the app. Below are some factors affecting the overall cost of Mobile app development for Android:

The choice between native and cross-platform development: native development allows you to implement a solution of any level of complexity. But cross-platform Android app programming will save up to 40% of development costs. 

A number of features: The more features your mobile app has, the more expensive the process of its implementation and subsequent updates will cost.

Number and complexity of integrations: integration with external and internal services requires additional work. The number of integrations affects the cost of developing a mobile product.

Developer’s salaries: The salaries of Android app developers in India play a significant role in determining the overall cost. Development studios need to cover various expenses, including:

  • For renting premises- A professional studio requires a dedicated office space for their team, which incurs monthly rent costs. In major cities, a suitable office space rent can amount to around $1,600 per month.
  • Marketing Campaigns- Without good advertising, no one will contact the studio, so you have to raise the price so as not to work at a loss. Studios need to allocate funds for marketing efforts, including hiring marketing professionals and setting aside an advertising budget.
  • Negotiation– To negotiate, the studio needs to hire individual specialists who also receive a salary. These professionals receive salaries, adding to the overall cost.
  • Project management- Project managers oversee the process of Android app design in India, assign tasks, and ensure smooth execution. Their salaries need to be factored into the cost.

Considering these positions’ minimum salaries, the cumulative monthly expenses can reach approximately $6,000. This cost is distributed among all the studio’s clients, so if multiple applications are being developed simultaneously, an additional cost of around $375 per client is included in the development budget.

Breakdown of Development Costs:

Prototype- The first stage of development is the creation of a prototype. At this stage, the main functions, implementation, technologies used, and so on are determined. A good prototype allows you to release a successful application and reduce development time. A UI designer handles this task, requiring around 5 to 20 hours of work, costing between $80 and $320.

Design- Graphic designer at the Best Android app development Company is responsible for creating the visual elements of the app. With an average of 80 to 200 hours of work and considering a salary of $1,000, the design costs can range from $8,000 to $20,000. Part of the work, like drawing icons and other minor elements, can be delegated to freelancers to save money.

Application + Server- The application displays a user interface that sends requests to the server. That is, when a user clicks “like” on their smartphone, a special request is sent to the server. It is processed, and then some actions are performed – in this case, a record of a new like is entered into the database.

Usually, both parts are developed at the same time, but some customers already have a ready-made server application with a working API – for example, if an application for iOS was previously created, and now it is necessary to develop a version for Android.

It can take from 200 to 900 hours to develop this, that is, from 25 to 112 days of work for 8 hours costing between $15,000 and $70,000. More complex applications take longer to build and cost more. The usual server part will cost less than the one on which complex calculations or Big Data analytics are carried out.

The customer may require additional functionality to be added to a running application. For example, implementing video calls in a messenger – will require the work of several specialists, and it may cost more than the application itself.

Testing and publishing- Next, the application needs to be tested and bugs fixed. This is done by a QA engineer (software tester). The testing process can take between 16 to 80 hours, adding approximately $800 to $4,000 to the total cost.

During this time, they check the operation of all functions and the compatibility of the application with different devices. If an iOS application needs to be tested on 5–10 devices, then it is more difficult with Android: there are thousands of smartphone models from different manufacturers. And each has its own resolution and its own characteristics.

After that comes the preparation of advertising materials – a description, a desktop icon, screenshots, and so on – and then the publication of the application. To download the application on Google Play, you need to pay for a license worth $25.

Total Cost: Taking into account the aforementioned factors, the Android application development cost can be summarized as follows:

  • Prototyping: $250 – $1,000
  • Design: $8,000 – $20,000
  • Development: $15,000 – $70,000
  • Testing and Publishing: $800 – $4,000
  • Other Expenses (marketing, rent, etc.): $375

Overall, the total cost of developing an Android application can range from approximately $24,425 to $95,375.

It’s important to note that these figures do not include any additional charges from the studio, ongoing support costs, or the implementation of complex features like video chat or smart feed. The final cost will depend on the specific requirements and functionalities of the app. 


Remember, investing in high-quality Android app development services can lead to long-term success and user satisfaction. For businesses seeking Android app development in 2023, relying on Wama Technology is a wise choice. Their comprehensive overview of the cost factors involved helps businesses plan their budget effectively. With expertise in both native and cross-platform development, Wama Technology offers cost-saving options. Their team of skilled developers, designers, and testers ensures high-quality results.