Enlite Research is a centralized App for Locking and Unlocking
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Enlite Research Access

Enlite Research is a centralized App for Locking and Unlocking for Authorized and Unauthorized persons to enter into a confidential premises. Enlite Research App has the functionality, which can access via from any mobile devices. The particular person or user does not have to use access cards for entering into confidential premises, with the help of this app the respective person can access from any mobile device and it is very convenient for all users to access this device.
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About Enlite Research Access

Enlite Research App is design specially to restrict the unauthorized person to enter into confidential premises. Respective user can access this app by their own mobile device. 

Whatever access if a Person need it, the whole functionality can be done via mobile device and then authorized user can be able to access the confidential area. It is very convenient for all user to access the app at anytime and anywhere. Enlite app ensure the 100% security for all.

Some features of this App

Unlock Main Entrance

To unlock the main entrance by a finger print sensor, a respective user can access by unlocking main entrance via fingerprint sensor on their own mobile device then a respective person can successfully enter to the main entrance.

Guest Login

The registered guest on this app can be access through all confidential premise. It has the feature to invite new guest and guest account will be verified. There is a guest visible page in that, we can see which are the guest is safe or unsafe.

System Lockdown

In this feature the person can lock the system for certain period of time. During that time duration nobody can access the system except the authorized person.

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In this feature the new visitor has to verify themselves as a registered authorized user. Once the user is verified, the invitation link will be active. user will receive email/text instruction to access the building.

Track the User

It can track the movement of the user, by where and which places they are access the confidential premises. According to the various movement of a person, it can track those movement with respective date and time.

Face Id

User face is scanned and sensors detect the authorized person and then user can successfully enter into the confidential premises.

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