Facejob App For Job Search
Facejob App For Job Search

Facejob App for Job Search

Facejob is a job search portal,with more jobs in real time sourced directly from job boards,company websites and industry associations. The Facejob app helps job seekers find that perfect career opportunity they’ve been waiting for and companies to find candidate.

facejob App screenshot

About Facejob

Facejob is a job search portal, with more jobs in real time sourced directly from job boards, company websites and industry associations.

The Facejob app helps job seekers find that perfect career opportunity they’ve been waiting for and companies to find perfect candidate.Search available vacancies Personalize your search Record your short video in profile to apply for jobs.


Save time by viewing candidates resume through short video

Reports on job posting

Some features of this App

Platform for Employment

Facejob is a job search portal, with many jobs in real time. The Facejob app helps job seekers to find perfect career opportunity.

Platform for Employers

Facejob is a great platform for the user who is in urgent need of job.
It will help user to search & browse the jobs of his own interest

Quick jobs apply

The User can quickly apply to jobs of his own interest.Jobs applied by user are sent to Hr of company immediately.

facejob Feture image


User can send their own resume by recording a short video. Recruiter can save time by viewing candidates resume through short video.

Analytics Employee

User can easily view the status of the jobs they have applied through various portals.They will be notified in case of any decision taken by Hr Team.

Analytics Employeer

The Hr team or the manager can view the total status of their company like no of students have applied or viewed jobs.


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