How to Submit Your App to the Google Play Store

How To Upload An App To Google Play Store!

Did you know that the Google play store has the most significant number of apps published daily? According to recent research, more than a 3.5million apps are held by the play store. Also, 3700 app descriptions are being released daily. Hence, the Google play store becomes your number one option if checking a place for your app.
How To Upload An App To Google Play Store!

How do I upload an app to Google play store? That’s your next question. 

However, the process is never complicated. Below are the simple steps to follow.

Google Play Developer Console

A developer dashboard is very crucial in the process of uploading an android app. The playing console is the central control panel. There is an involvement of $25 total fees payable only once.

After making the payments:

  • Create an account by indicating your name and answering other questions required.
  • Specify the country you wish your app to be visible.
  • After submitting, wait until 48 hours are over to get approval by the admin.

Link the Developer account to the Google wallet merchant account

A merchant account is compulsory if the app you’re uploading supports an in-app purchase. Open the console account and click report. Then, click the financial information, among other options. Select the ‘setup merchant now’ option to conclude.

The system will directly link the Google play console account with the merchant account to allow you to monitor and manage the app sales.

Create application

Creating an application is the next step to submitting an app to the play store. After logging into your publisher’s account, follow the following steps to publish the app.

  • Open the menu tab
  • Select the “Create Application” option
  • Select the language
  • Write the name of the application

App Store Listing

App store listing is the next step whereby the Google play uploads become handy after getting adequate preparations. Fill in the required credentials to complete this step. But, ensure you use the correct keywords to get priority in the search list.

Upload App Bundle

At this step, you must include the APK and App bundle files while uploading them into your existing application. Also, try navigating “App Release Manager” followed by “App Release, “visible on the menu tab.

Upon completion, you are supposed to select either of the following types of release; an open test, close test, internal test, or the production release.

Once you’re done, the page will redirect you to new release production to choose whether you want to opt into the Google play apps store or out.

Then, use the screen instructions to check out the option for getting apk uploaded to the google app store. Based on the screen instructions, name and describe your release. To confirm the disclaimer, click the review and save.

Rate the app

Google can remove the app may be removed if you forget to rate it. Therefore, it’s vital to ensure you order the app accordingly. Also, add your email address and confirm.

It is essential to add more information, such as frequently asked questions.

Additionally, you might decide to fill out the questionnaire for the app ratings. To do that, select the “Save Questionnaire” followed by “Calculate Rating” so you can see your rating for the app according to the play store.

Fix the distribution and pricing of the app

It is so unfortunate that the Google Play Store does not support an app available to every part of the world. Hence, it would help if you clarified the countries where the app will be visible and available.

In regards to fixing the price, you must be very careful. There is a good number of free app. However, if you choose to publish a free app, be sure never to make changes. Google play store has no features based on changing the data inserted once an app is published.

For app specification, select “Pricing and Distribution” and choose whether your app is to be paid or free. Also, if the app suits children below 13 years of age, ensure to click “Yes” for the primary child detected. Click “No” if the app suits people above that age to allow ads into the applications.

Publishing the Application

After confirming everything is okay, you can take the last step. You must follow the following procedures to upload your app. Start by adding the app to the platform. When adding the app, locate the App Release tab. When you are on this tab, click ‘Manage Production.’ Next, click ‘Review.’

After selecting ‘Review,’ like the following option, ‘start rollout to production.’ The very last thing is to confirm this option. From there, your app has found its way to Google Play Store. Just follow these procedures. The next thing now is to feature the APP. Go through the following section to know what you should do.

Featuring the App on the Play Store

Ensuring that an app is popular is a critical thing. When many people know the app, it gains thousands of downloads. One needs to know the measures someone can take to enhance an app’s popularity.

The first measure is following all the steps discussed above. Once this process is complete, the second thing is to confirm that the app is published. You can upload the app as paid or free. It depends on your preference. The next thing you need to do is ensure that the app is featured on the play store.

Several factors can help your app to get featured. These are localization, the latest technologies, visual design services, and others. It is essential to utilize these factors because featuring increases the users’ desire to interact with your app. The following four things can help your app to be popular worldwide.

  • Social Media promotions 

You should never ignore the power of social media. There are more than 42% of people across the world use social media. All these people are potential app users. Thousands of people use social media platforms like Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook. You can use all these platforms to promote your app.

  • Press-Release

Press-release is the other thing that you should never underestimate. A press release’s significant benefit is ensuring that many people know your brand. The brand is what makes people learn about an app. Therefore, it is essential to start by advertising the brand. Once people become aware of the brand, the app will likely reach many people. That is why you should continuously develop a marketing strategy for your app.

  • App Update and Maintenance

Even if you have developed a good app, you must ensure that it is updated and maintained within the best standards. It is dangerous to publish an app and leave it without updates. Users experience many bugs and problems that can negatively impact their satisfaction. Maintaining the app can help in ensuring that users’ concerns are addressed. Therefore, you should always ensure that you fix all problems as soon as they occur.

  • Practicing App Store Optimization (ASO)

ASO is very popular for app developers. I focus on aspects that can increase the app’s visibility and attention on the app store. Using this practice increases the conversion rate. A high conversion rate means many people are willing to download the app. Therefore, you should make sure that you adhere to these practices. There are instances where you can need help with publishing your app to the play store.

You can rely on Wama Technology to upload and feature your app on the play store!