Lady Bobble is an online fashion shopping site that presents

Lady Bobble

Lady Bobble is an online fashion shopping site that presents you with amazing fashion stuffs. Lady Bobble covers everything such as clothes, shoes, tops, lingerie, accessories and more. So overall its a complete solution for the ladies.

The internet has given us a special gift; it allows us to click and purchase lovely clothing, often preventing us from having second thoughts. Since we don’t enjoy physically seeing our money leave our bank accounts, internet buying is the compromise we make. 

About Lady Bobble

Lady Bobble is an online fashion shopping site that presents you with amazing fashion stuffs.

Lady Bobble covers everything such as clothes, shoes, tops, lingerie, accessories and more. So overall its a complete solution for the ladies.
laddy bouble side image
Laddy Side image

Website features

E-commerce platform

An online shopping platform that present amazing stuff for ladies such as clothes shoes,tops,accessories and more.

Add to cart & Wishlist

This feature allows the user to review and add multiple product This feature will calculate the total price of all the products added in cart.

Payment Gateway

This Feature will allow the user to purchase the products he has added in his cart.This is integrated with all type of purchase payment gateway.


Products offered by Lady Bobble are available in wide variety. Women can browse en-number of product she want to choose from wide variety range.

Order Management

Order are easily managed. If order is found to be defective the records of the same is also maintained. Order found defective are easily returned.


Customer can expect a faster delivery of order after placing it. When customer makes the payment,faster delivery is provided to him.

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