Scan App - Wama Technology-Mobile App & Website Development Company
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Scan App

Scan app is designed especially for ATM purpose, in which the user can view their respective transaction on ATM machine and scan those transaction in image format and store data in a centralized server. If user want to view the old previous transaction, then user can retrieve data any time, when they want to access.

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Scan App about image

About scan app

The main functionality of Scan App is to capture text and convert them into an image format  and it is able to scan any ATM device screen.

It has various image filter option available, in that user can adjust the image view according to their specification need. It support fingerprint sensor and face id unlocking system, in which user can unlock or lock the app. It is very convenient for all user to scan ATM transaction and save the image and that image data store permanently in a centralized server, which can be access any time from Scan App whenever user want to check their previous transaction.

Some features of this App

Unlock and Lock system

This feature of Lock and Unlock the app with fingerprint and face id sensor, register user can create fingerprint and face id profile to unlock the app.

Auto Capture

User doesn’t have to click the photo of the text. It will automatically detect the text and convert it into image format.


User can adjust the screen according to the image size manually on their mobile screen.

Scan App feature image

Get Support

In case if user is stuck in between some technical glitch then respective user can access to get support option for technical support.

Auto Enhance and Light

Benefit of this feature is it can automatically adjust the image clarity and adjust accordingly to the surrounding text, hence it helps to enhance the beautification of an image.


User can be able to get update with various functionality regarding the Scan app.

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