At Social Chains, we believe you should own your data and participate
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Social Chains

At Social Chains, we believe you should own your data and participate in the data economy. Up to half of our company’s profits are shared with users like you …that’s unprecedented.

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Social chain banner side image
social chain App screenshot

About Social Chains

At Social Chains, we believe you should own your data and participate in the data economy. Up to half of our company’s profits are shared with users like you …that’s unprecedented.

Today, Big Tech is reaping the benefits of your data and sharing your data with third parties without oversight. Our privacy exceeds the General Data Privacy Rules (GDPR) of the European Union (EU). Our App cannot access your data without your permission. Every user on our network is verified not only by email and phone but also by physical address and facial verification. Together, we create safe digital neigh boyhoods that allow both social connections and commercial transactions to flourish on our network.

Some features of this App

Earn Money

User can earn money through crypto currency. crypto currency tokens are generated with the help of activities like adding, inviting and messaging friend


Notification are always displayed of two types 1 when the user accept the request 2 if any one sends you tokens

Social Chain feature image

Social Connect

The cool feature of social chains is that it will connect the user with another user. It has two different capabilities that a user can chat either privately or publicly.

Admin Panel

This amazing feature allow the admin to add and delete the abusive image and post on the app. that has been reported by users

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