Step By Step Guide to Patent an Application Idea

Step By Step Guide to Patent an Application Idea

Step By Step Guide To Patent An Application Idea

If you are an entrepreneur or startup owner, you must know the importance of patent application ideas. In this fast-paced world, when digitalization is at its peak, every individual thinks of something that can make their life easy. We are humans working round the clock for the idea that can become a money-making machine for us.

An idea can come from anywhere. In one of the interviews, Steve Jobs confirmed that the idea of making an iPhone came from when he was working on the iPad. But what if somebody had launched the touchscreen mobile phone before that? Then the iPhone would be in a different place than now. This is where the necessity comes to patent an application idea. It gives you the copyright of the idea, but you can also remain on top of the market for its launching.

If you are a startup owner or entrepreneur with a million-dollar app idea in your pocket but are unsure how to patent it, this guide is a read for you. But before jumping on that, let’s answer this question.

Why Patent an App Idea?

Patent law is specially designed to help entrepreneurs and owners who come up with an excellent idea but are afraid that someone can copy it. Copying an idea or product is expected or natural in this cut throat environment. It happens all the time, but with patent law, one can have a trademark and copyright. It will protect the idea owner from mishaps occurring before the launch.

It keeps the copycats away from your app idea and gives you the upper hand if somebody tries to steal your application idea.

However, the application idea must be fresh and new before applying for its copyright.

Step-by-Step Guide to Patent an App Idea

To patent an app idea, you need to follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Select the Patent you Need

The first thing you need to decide when hopping into the patent idea journey is what kind of patent, your idea or application needs. Patents are basically classified into three categories which are:

  • Utility Patents – It is the patent application best suited for mobile applications. As the name suggests, it covers the functional aspects of the idea. These types of patents have a validity of 14 to 20 years.
  • Design patent – Next on our list is design patents, which cover the design or aesthetic part of the application. These types of patents are also valid for 14 to 20 years.
  • Plant Patent – These types of a patent are generally used for the asexually reproduced plant. These laws protect plants from cutting. It is valid for 20 years.
  1. Do Thorough research on patent

After deciding the type of patent your application needs, it is time to do thorough research about the same. We live in a continuously changing world, so by conducting research, you have to ensure that your idea is not copied and there is no other application like yours in the market. It is best to conduct thorough worldwide research for the same. If there is no other application like yours, then the chance of getting a patent approved is higher.

  1. Start Filling out your Patent Application

Once you are sure there is no other application like yours, the next step is to start filling out the patent application. Some categories need to be specified thoroughly in the form, such as the discovery of an idea, diagrams, drawing of application, working procedure of application, and design of the application.

All these details should be thorough and adequately explained as they will help authorities understand your application.

  1. File for Non-Provisional or Provisional Patent

After filling out the application, it is necessary to verify it properly to ensure all the details are correct. After doing that, it is time to file an idea and application for a patent by applying to the government authorities of your region. The government agencies of that particular region decide different procedures and fees. You can get an idea by simply searching on a search engine.

  1. Modification or Changes Needed by Authority

Once the application is submitted to the government authority, the next step for the application owner is to wait for the decision. In that waiting period, the work of government authority is to examine the application properly. The authority can also ask for modifications or changes needed in the application. Not just this, they can also ask questions about the application, and the respondent must submit the answer to that question carefully or promptly.

  1. Maintenance Charges for Patent Application

Finally, if the authority approves the application patent, the owner must pay maintenance fees to keep the application active. The fees can be paid either monthly or annually based on the arrangement issued by the authority. The cost of a patent idea is based on the type of patent one is applying for. 

The cost for a provisional application is around $5000, while on the other hand, for a non-provisional application, it can be around $15000.

Final Thought

That’s it! Now you know how to patent an idea for application without difficulty. The process of patenting an application can be daunting and overwhelming to newbies who need to learn more about it. That’s why it is best to go with a web development agency that can walk you through the process. Further, some agencies prefer to do all the heavy lifting on behalf of their clients.

Further, if you have any questions or queries about mobile application development, you can reach out to Wama Technologies, who have years of experience in the website and mobile development field. We are swamped with creative and talented developers that can help you design the mobile application of your choice.

So what are you waiting for? Reach out now.