Why Use React Native For Mobile App Development ?

Why Use React Native For Mobile App Development

  September 13, 2023     0 Comments

Building an application in native languages such as Java, Objective-C, and C# will take a long time. Additionally, it will be quite expensive for you to engage an expert in these languages. Is there any alternative in this circumstance? React Native is a potent cross-platform mobile application development solution that makes it possible for you to construct them extremely rapidly, so you may choose to use it to create react native app for your company.

What is React Native anyway?

React Native is a framework for creating mobile apps that enable cross-platform app creation for iOS and Android utilizing native UI components. It is built on the Babel transformers and the JavaScriptCore runtime. With this setting, RN is compatible with recent JavaScript (ES6+) features like arrow functions, async/await, and more.

This popular react native app development framework started in the summer of 2013 as an internal project of Facebook. Its first public preview was released in January 2015 at the Reactjs Conference, and in March 2015, Facebook made React Native open and available on GitHub.

Since then, it has been widely adopted by developers and organizations due to its ability to produce native apps and great user interfaces.

Top reasons you should use react native for mobile app development

Mobile app development is an important and complex process, and choosing the right tool plays a key role in its successful implementation. Find out why React Native has become the choice of the best react native app development company and what benefits it provides.

Amazing performance

It may not be as fast as true native apps built in native languages such as Java, Objective-C, and C#. But you will get almost native performance since it gives you native components like Image, View, and Text. React Native-based mobile app is not an HTML5, hybrid, or mobile web app; rather, it is a real mobile application.

By optimizing your app with native code, you may boost the speed of your React Native application. You may write certain functions in your application using native code and others using React Native for the best efficiency.

Rich user interface

With the aid of pre-made expressive components like Picker, Button, Slider, Switch, etc., React Native enables you to design distinctive, captivating user interfaces. With TouchableOpacity and TouchableNativeFeedback, you can also design your own components. You may use iOS and Android mobile devices to work productively, thanks to a variety of iOS and Android components.

Rapid Application Development

You may refresh the application without having to completely recompile the code thanks to React Native’s components for text, graphics, keyboard input, scrollable lists, progress bars, animation, clipboard, links, and more. Additionally, you’ll finish mobile app development more quickly with the aid of React Native frameworks like Redux (for managing the state of your app) and Awesome React Native (a collection of components and examples).

Cross-platform development

JavaScript and TypeScript developers may create native mobile and desktop applications using the open-source, cross-platform React Native framework. Because React Native is cross-platform, you can build programs that work on several operating systems. The main advantage of the React native development service is the use of common code for developing applications for iOS and Android. This reduces the time and effort required to develop and maintain two separate applications.


This platform is used in popular mobile apps such as Facebook, F8, Facebook Ads Manager, Instagram, Skype, Bloomberg, Discord, Tesla, Airbnb, Chop, Artsy, Walmart and Vogue. This speaks volumes!

Simplicity and efficiency of development

React Native is based on the popular JavaScript programming language, making it intuitive and easy to learn. Developers familiar with JavaScript can quickly get started building applications using React Native.

In addition, React Native allows you to reuse application components and logic, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the development process. Rapid development and the ability to make changes on the fly make React Native an effective tool for development teams.

Platform Features

React Native provides access to platform APIs via JavaScript. This allows developers to integrate device functionality such as camera, location, and notifications into their apps.

Moreover, React Native supports the use of third-party libraries and modules, which makes it possible to extend the functionality of the application and use ready-made solutions to solve specific problems.

Active community and ecosystem

Developers from a sizable and vibrant community actively participate in React Native’s development. This guarantees the availability of training materials, documentation, and fixes for new issues.

React Native is a potent tool for developers thanks to a robust ecosystem of components, libraries, and plugins, which offers pre-built solutions for a range of problems as well as the capacity to prototype and build apps.

Final Words

As a result of its outstanding performance, extensive user interface components, quick application development capabilities, and cross-platform effectiveness, React Native is an appealing option for developing mobile apps. Industry heavyweights like Facebook, Instagram, and Tesla have adopted it as a flexible tool because of its simplicity, platform feature integration, and support for third-party libraries. The vibrant ecosystem and engaged community guarantee ongoing progress and easy access to solutions. You need to go no other than Wama Technology if you’re looking to hire react native developers. Your app concepts can become seamless realities because of their proficiency in utilizing React Native and other cutting-edge technology. Consider Wama Technology, your go-to partner for top-notch development solutions.